Stepping Stones


Redmarley is a large period house which provides three interlinking homes that function independently called Winston, Nimrod and Dorabella. Nimrod and Dorabella both have 5 bedrooms and Winston has 9 bedrooms. Each of the 19 bedrooms are personalised to the individuals request. All service users are involved in the decisions made about the décor of the remaining communal areas which promotes a homely environment, which we all pride ourselves on.

In addition to the 3 homes, Redmarley also has a further wing that offers a resource and life skills centre that includes art and mixed media studio; kiln; recreation and games room; talking therapy room; alternative therapies; life skills kitchen and conference/training room.

We offer specialist Registered Nurses, trained in Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Adult Nursing. This ensures an up to date approach in offering all service users a full needs led assessment prior to an admission. This forms a holistic and person centred approach with a therapeautic pathway to recovery and independence. Our team of registered nurses are able to identify areas of strength and risk. Skilled support staff ensure people are well supported in their activities that enhances existing life skills and develop new ones. Each person is allocated a named nurse and keyworker who are responsible for developing a therapeutic relationship in which confidence is harnessed and new skills developed.

Every effort is made to maintain close relationships with family and friends. Relatives or representatives can be invited to a person’s review according to the individuals’ consent.

Our Facilities

Each person has a programme of activities built around unique needs and likes. There are opportunities to attend a range of college courses such as photography and woodwork. People are encouraged to develop life skills that include self-care, cookery, domestic, gardening, growing and cooking their own produce. There is a focus on the arts, as much can be gained by the therapeutic nature of art. This includes mixed media, ceramics, installations and craft projects. People are encouraged to display their work in all areas of Redmarley. We access the local community gym and swimming pool, lots of country walks, one-to-one and group leisure trips, cricket, football and basketball make up just some of the meaningful and energetic activities.

Address: Pfera hall, Bromsberrow Road, Redmarley, GL19 3JU
Tel: 01531 650880

We are a fun, committed, professional, caring organisation dedicated to providing an ethical, person-centred service with integrity, dignity and empathy; respect nurturing and empowering Service Users and Staff.